The Transformed Parent 14 Week Program


You can become the parent you long to be!

Parenting doesn't have to feel exhausting, stressful or overwhelming.

With The Transformed Parent Program, you will regain control over rage or reactivity, better understand how your past is affecting your parenting and receive personalized strategies that ensure you reach your future parenting goals!


Does this sound familiar?

➛ You’ve tried everything! What works for other parents doesn’t seem to work for you or your children, making you question your parenting.

➛You are trying your hardest to be a calm parent, but no matter what you try, you still react, then beat yourself up for hours, days or even weeks.

➛ You want to break generational cycles of harsh discipline but when your kids won’t listen or obey, you feel powerless and wind up in a fit of rage or giving in to avoid the battle.

➛ You consistently get stuck in the rage and regret cycle that keeps you from becoming the parent you long to be.

If so, you make sense to me

and, I assure you, it's not too late!

Imagine If..

  • You never had to yell again to get your children to listen or cooperate in day-to-day tasks
  • You finally had control over your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you
  • You knew exactly how to discipline your children and move them into cooperation in every difficult circumstance without causing damage or creating disconnection
  • You felt confident with the parent you had become, assured that you are, indeed, breaking generational cycles! 

The Transformed Parent Program


A 14-week Parenting Course

Week 1: Meet Your Group & Set Personal Goals

Weeks 2-3: Making Sense of Your Childhood

Weeks 4-5: Making Sense of Your Reactions

Weeks 6-7: Healing Your Relationship With Emotions

Weeks 8-9: Finding The Calming Tools That *DO* Work For You

Weeks 10-11: Understanding Your Child’s Behavior

Weeks 12-13: How to Discipline Without Damage or Disconnection

Week 14: Celebrate Your Personal Transformation

Included in the program:

Course Material

You will receive eight PDF course modules throughout the 14 weeks. These modules provide the educational piece of your transformation.

Weekly Calls

Each week, we will meet as a group to discuss the course topic & do some coaching. One to two individuals or couples will be coached each week.

1:1 Private Coaching Call

You will receive one private coaching call each month with Rachael. This is the place to receive extra personalized support or to discuss any parenting scenarios you are not comfortable discussing in the group.

Community Group

You will receive FREE Access to The C.A.L.M Parent Academy for duration of your program.

 Transformed Parents dive into the C.A.L.M. Methodology


Connected: Learn how to correct negative behavior through connection and understanding so you no longer waste time and energy stopping the same behaviors again and again. 

Attuned: Discover the root behind what drives you to yell, threaten, bribe or punish and learn to shift the limiting beliefs holding you back from being the parent you long to be

Loving: Learn to quickly identify the root need behind every "bad" behavior so you can respond with understanding and teach your child to communicate their feelings and needs in healthier ways

Mature: Learn how to control your triggers and consistently model emotional regulation to your children so they learn how to effectively communicate with you and others around them


"I quickly learned that parenting coaching provided me with a safe place for my inner child to show up and be seen and heard."

When I turned to parenting coaching, I already had 10 years of cognitive behavioral therapy - and I thought I had healed from my past traumas, but I quickly learned that parenting coaching provided me with a safe place for my inner child to show up and be seen and heard so I could understand how that relates to how I show up as a parent today. Therapy couldn’t pull it all together - it was missing the parenting component and how what I experienced as a child relates to how I show up today as a parent. I didn’t understand why loud noises would trigger my nervous system or why a crying child would cause me to rage and want it to stop it immediately until I addressed my past. When I did, my anger made so much sense and, for the first time, I made so much sense. Rachael was able to bring me back to my past through visualization, identifying emotions, spending time feeling those emotions in my body so, for the first time, I could give my inner child the safety she was longing for and provide for her what her caregivers weren’t able to through the safety and validation from Rachael.

- Katie .V

How does this sound?

This program will help you...

  • Make sense of your childhood and how it is affecting your parenting at present
  • Understand and overcome your unique triggers and the behaviors that lead you to be easily overwhelmed and/or reactive
  • Heal your relationship with any unpleasant emotions such as anger, rage, sadness, disappointment etc.
  • Understand the root of all your child’s unwanted behavior so you can discipline your child without damage or disconnection

What's included:

  • 8 Educational Course Modules

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • Once-monthly 1:1 Private Coaching Call

  •  FREE Access to the C.A.L.M Parent Academy for duration of your program


"Something not one of my therapists had ever shown me or discussed with me."

From growing up in a household with abuse and trauma, I have had my share of therapists. For years, starting in my early teens, I saw therapist after therapist and I was seeing no improvement in my behavior. It wasn’t until I gave birth to my sweet daughter that I realized I needed serious help. I was having rage spells of seeing red, where I would literally black out during the episodes becoming dangerous and destructive. I couldn’t shake it and almost began medicating…until one day I came across Rachael. Rachael is a parent coach. Not a therapist. I was desperate and signed up for her program with a few other Mamas. During the The Transformed Parent Program, Rachael showed me the ROOT of my behavior, the feelings associated with it, how to sit in “discomfort” of revisiting moments and how to self regulate my nervous system. Something not one of my therapists had ever shown me or discussed with me. In working through this I have since been able to control my rage and stay fully present when I feel the emotions rising. Yes I still become angry and am not always perfect, but I have not had a rage spell where I black out since working with Rachael. I am teaching my daughter how to feel and experience emotions and how to connect with my daughter during them and after. Parent coaching changed my life and actually taught me to heal. I am forever grateful for meeting Rachael!

- Deidra .H


What you'll learn from this program:

  • A comprehensive understanding of your childhood attachment and how it has or currently is impacting your parenting
  • A deep understanding of how to feel, process through and express emotions rather than suppressing or repressing them
  • Extensive knowledge on Child Development so you know which behaviors are normal/appropriate and which ones aren’t
  • A proven system to discipline your children without damage or disconnection
  • A healthier relationship with ALL emotions including anger, sadness, disappointment etc.

This is for you if:

  • You want parenting to feel fun and enjoyable!
  • You want to regain or strengthen your connection with your children, no matter their age!
  • You are ready to overcome rage or reactivity and become more connected, attuned, loving and mature as a parent
  • You want to better understand yourself and your children so you can discipline without damage
  • You take your role as a parent very seriously and are ready, willing and able to invest your time, energy and money to deepen your parenting education

This isn't for you if:

  • You're satisfied with how things are right now and you're not committed to create any real change in your life
  • You are in complete control of your reactivity and do not feel the need for guidance from an experienced coach
  • You do better facing parenting challenges alone
  • Investing in this program will create financial instability for your family

Frequently Asked Questions


Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Rachael

The Considerate Momma

Certified Parenting Coach + Rage Free Expert

As a former daycare teacher and private nanny turned Certified Parent Coach & Integrative Trauma Coach with over 70,000 hours of personal and professional experience, my passion is to help exhausted and overwhelmed parents heal from their past, regain control over rage or reactivity and become C.A.L.M., confident leaders who discipline without causing damage or creating disconnection.

I’ve helped millions of parents worldwide, and now it’s your turn! 

What's Included

  • 8 Educational Course Modules

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • Once-monthly 1:1 Private Coaching Call

  •  FREE Access to the C.A.L.M Parent Academy for duration of your program


If you have questions or want to have a call with Rachael to see if this is a good fit for you please reach out to [email protected]